




A rising star in hip-hop with an extensive background in K-pop, Jackson Wang took three minutes to answer 30 questions asked by Buzzfeed.  He’s funny, charming, humble and talented. If you haven’t noticed by now Jackson Wang has slowly participated in multiple interviews throughout the U.S., and he’s back with Buzzfeed to answer more questions. 

While Wang is a man of many languages (five to be exact), he was very quick to answer all 30 questions Buzzfeed threw at him. Including how to say “I love you” in all five languages.  They also asked the Fendi artist what the silliest thing he’s ever done to impress a crush, what his best feature is if he likes spicy food and if he had to choose one, mom or dad? If you’re a long time fan of Wang then you’re definitely in for a treat. 


- Hey BuzzFeed, I'm Jackson Wang from China, and today I'm gonna answer 30 questions in 30 seconds.

3 minutes (bell)

Oh my God, let's go.

- Post Malone, "Wow." - Ngo ngoi nei, wǒ ài nǐ, ngu eh nóng, salanghae , I love you

- A mobile with signal, to call my managers to bring me back 

- My manager

- Regrets.

- Golden retriever, next.

- I'm Jackson Wang from China, next

- Woke up as a girl?

I don't like long hair, cut it short.

- Good question, next.

- Yes,

oh my God that was

- Ambition, passion, oh my God, Jackson.

Work hard, play hard.

- Oh my goodness.

When I was in primary school, I mean not primary school, middle school, I changed my email to her name.

Oh my God, please delete this.

- What?

- Oh my goodness?

I'm Chinese, next.

- No!

- Of course, like 10 minutes.

- What do you think?

- Mint chocolate, next.

- I don't have a password,

oh, what?

I'm not gonna tell you!

- Five.

- My parents.

- Okay

- Baby Jackson.

- Of course, RM.

- He's my best buddy.

- Every, twice a week.

- I can't, next.

- No spicy food, next!

I'm allergic.

- Cheese!

- Oh, oh.

Mom or Dad?

Mom, but I love you Dad.

I did it, right?

I can even do like 60 questions,

thank you Buzzfeed.



1. When are you releasing Team Wang merch?

Get your coins ready!

2. If you could get anything tattooed, what would it be?

Jackson: "And probably like my son, like, at the back. If I have a son. Or a daughter."

3. What is your ideal first date?

*suggests five hot pot places in NYC* Ready whenever you are, Jackson!

4. If you could transform into any animal, what would it be?

Very original answer. Veeerrry original. 🐶

5. What is your creative process like when it comes to making music?

6. If you had the chance to act in a movie or a drama, what kind of role would you like to play?

Jackson: "Nothing romance. I'm not into—I can't do that. Like, it's just not my thing."

7. Do you have a favorite fashion piece?


8. What is one song of yours that you think represents you the best?

The brand is sttrrroong.

9. Who's an artist that you really want to collaborate with?

Puppy lifting break!

Jackson: *realizes both hands are full* "Oh, can anybody get, like, get my questions?"

10. When did you realize you were famous?

OKAY, JACKSON. Likely story.

11. If you could have any superpower, what power would it be?


12. How did you end up working with Gucci Mane on "Different Game?"

Jackson: "I actually never thought about that. I was really surprised. We reached out. We didn't expect him to reply, but he replied in two days. He was like, 'Yo, let's go.' I can't wait to tell you, like, my next collaboration."

13. If you had to choose a theme song to describe your life, what would it be?

14. What's your skincare routine like?

Jackson: "Because shampoo and body wash actually irritate your skin."

15. Can you leave a message for your future self?


